Friday, December 10, 2010


I am not really concerned that our sitting President is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the job. I mean, technically, he is an American citizen. I thought that the so called “Birthers” were off base, but then the liberal support structure from Rolling Stone confirmed the reality: In the 14 October 2010 issue of Rolling Stone, the obviously political genius Matt Taibbi wrote that in the case of Tea Party supporters that “I’m an ordinary middle-aged guy who pays taxes and lives in the suburbs with his wife and dog. These are the kind of thoughts that go through your head as you listen to Tea Partiers expound at awesome length upon their cultural victimhood, surrounded as they are by
America-haters like you and me or, in the case of FOREIGN-BORN PRESIDENT Barack Obama, people who are literally not Americans in the way they are.”
The aforementioned recognition of our “President’s” non-qualification to hold the job may be found on page 52 of the 14 October 2010 issue of Rolling Stone. Matt Taibbi is some kind of political genius, so his observation that our “President” is foreign born MUST be accurate.
A foreign born U.S. citizen is not an anomaly. My son was born in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK). As I am a U.S. citizen, David took upon U.S. citizenry. HOWEVER, certain protocols applied. I had 30 days from the day of his birth to go to the U.S. Embassy to report his birth, after which we received an official State Department document reporting the birth of a U.S. citizen overseas. For all of David’s future transactions, that OFFICIAL State Department document is that which verifies that he is a U.S. citizen.
Now, although barcan MIGHT actually be a U.S. citizen, his mother’s failure to adhere to proper protocol is the real point to be addressed. Yeah, he was born in Kenya. I guess it is all just a technicality, but that Hawaii birth certificate is all crap and a lie perpetrated on the American citizens.
My wife is an immigrant; obviously, I support LEGAL immigration. Any and every immigrant should go to the U.S. Embassy and stand in line for hours, deal with bureaucrats, and pay the exorbitant fees for the privilege of coming to America. Illegally crossing the border should not be rewarded. I am not anti-immigration; I am anti-stealing from we who FOLLOWED THE LAW.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I like Art Bell, but....

I like Art Bell, but....

Tonight I listened to a "classic" Art Bell program, from 1998. He mentioned that his "guest from the future" (2055) correctly predicted an earthquake and some other tragedy. He then went on to interview a dude that wants to freeze people (cryogenics) for future resurrection. He questioned the cryogenics dude for at least an hour about the process. Okay.

Why didn't he just ask the future dude about the success of cryogenics? The 2055 dude might actually know if it works or not, right?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Strikes Again

Representative Charlie Rangel (D) New York is being attacked by the vast right wing conspiracy. Now, this cat “represents” some of the poorest and most “disenfranchised” Americans in his Harlem District. Of course, his only concern is to help the people in his district. Wait! What! He is under investigation for lining his own pockets at the expense of the downtrodden unfortunates that he claims to represent.

To understand how insidious the vast right wing conspiracy really is, one must only recall Hillary Clinton’s statement from 1998, when in defense of her husband she went on national TV and identified the heinous acts of the movement: Hillary stated that “the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president”. Now, it doesn’t matter that Bill Clinton went on to lie about his activities, subsequently humiliating the “first lady” and embarrassing the entire country, it was a all because of some attempt to discredit the sitting President (by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy).

Here’s the real deal: I don’t care that Billy got a BJ in the Oval Office. According to the lamestream media, most Americans didn’t care, either. That being the case, if I were President, I’d have my own selection process for interns. Any auditioning candidate that left a stain on the blue dress would immediately be disqualified, if you know what I mean.

But back to the present: Charlie Rangel stated EMPHATICALLY that he’s done nothing wrong. BUT, when confronted with an investigation, he wants to plea bargain for a deal in which he doesn’t go to jail. Uuummm. Is that not tacitly an admission of guilt? Who knows? Maybe he’ll eventually share a cell with William Jefferson (D) Louisiana, the man who said that storing 100,000 dollars in one’s freezer is simply a means by which to ensure that he has cold cash.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rolling Stone is such a Tool

Rolling Stone is such a tool.

The “firing” of Four Star General Stanley McChrystal is widely reported that he and/or his subordinates made many inappropriate remarks towards or against the administration and the flunkies on Capitol Hill. Vice-President Joe “Bite Me”? C’mon, they made fun of Vice President Dan Quayle for years; Joe Biden is a freaking train wreck.

Anyway, ya’ll know that when your boss is an incompetent, incapable, miserable jerk and that you don’t want to work for the slob, you just want to quit. But, if you quit, you forfeit all benefits. However, if you get fired, you can draw unemployment benefits that continue to grow and increase the federal deficit.

The same applies to General McChrystal. He could have stood up and said that those for whom he works are clueless fools and submitted his resignation, but he’d then be viewed in history as a General that quit during a significant conflict. However, by allowing Rolling Stone to print a “devastating expose” in which he or his subordinates make disparaging remarks about the clones in Washington and then allowing the Washington goons and the sycophant media express their indignation and outrage for being exposed as the worthless oxygen thieves that they really are, General McChrystal gets to retire with the knowledge that he didn’t quit, but that poorly placed stuffed shirts “forced” him to retire. He no longer works for a tool, he gets to enjoy his retirement, and he will historically be compared to General McArthur as a Wartime General that was “fired” by a President.

It was intentional, and Rolling Stone was the dupe.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I HATE working with co-workers that are too stupid to live were breathing not an autonomic function. Today, I overheard the administrative assistant (secretary) answer the phone and then say "Please wait a minute. Mr. Really Smart Guy, you have a call." Mr. Really Smart Guy's response: "On the phone?"

Really? In my mind I thought "NO, genius. Oddly enough, she called on the stapler today."


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Man Who Laughs

I am totally, entirely, and until I die a headbanger (A guy who listens to heavy metal while vigorously nodding his head up and down). To my greatest satisfaction, my son David became a headbanger, as well. I did not raise him to be a headbanger; the first videotape and cassette tape that I presented to him was Michael Jackson’s HIStory. At some point, he discovered my metal music collection and then became a ‘banger himself.

We have had some excellent times together, since then. Our first concert together was Queensryche and Judas Priest, in Virginia. After that, we went to Ozzfest 2005, where we saw Rob Zombie, Iron Maiden and the original Black Sabbath lineup (Ozzy, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward). In 2006 we went to see Iron Maiden in New Jersey, and then we went to a small club in Baltimore where Queensryche put on a stage presentation of ‘Operation Mind Crime’ parts one and two. In 2007 and 2008 we saw Rush in Raleigh and Charlotte. Interestingly, it was all on the ‘Snakes and Arrows’ tour. We missed 2009 because I was in Kuwait. In 2010, we went to Charlotte and saw the “Gruesome Twosome” show. Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie. At the age of 62, Alice Cooper still kicks ass!

We’ve seen Zombie twice and watched his movies. I never really thought about the meaning of any of his music, until I became curious about ‘The Man Who Laughs’. It is a nine minute song with orchestral accompaniment. As it turns out, the song is about a man that is disfigured, but the girl in story loves him because she can see his true nature while not seeing his unusual face (She is blind, and wonders why he’s always smiling. He is not smiling; those that kidnapped him disfigure children so that they can beg for money, and his face appears to always be smiling as a result). His name is Gwynplaine, and he is descended from royalty. When invited back in to the Royalty, he refuses to be royal, and wants to go with his love. His love dies, and he joins her in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

I am no romantic, nor do I favor love stories. However, Rob Zombie made a song about “The Man Who Laughs”; I continue to listen to it (good drum solo) and am appreciative to learn about the background of “The Man Who Laughs”.

I’m listening to “Werewolf Women of the SS” right now, so don’t think that I’m some kind of pussy.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Much To My Chagrin...

I thought I came up with a clever nickname for the lying Presidential mouthpiece. I've listened to and watched Robert (Bob) Gibbs try his best to represent and explain the heinous and/or negligent actions of our most important American. When questioned repeatedly as to why our President has not appropriately responded to the spill of oil in the gulf, nearly each and every answer was "It's in the memo." "See the memo." "Read the memo." "I can't answer that, but it's in the memo."

Guess what? It's NOT in the memo. The current occupant of the Whitehouse has done nothing to address the problem, aside from sending lawyers. Maybe we can sue the problem into submission.

Anyway, after growing sick of listening to the mouthpiece, I thought "Damn, he sounds just like Baghdad Bob (The Iraqi spokesman that insisted all was well even as American bombs fell in the background and Saddam Hussein eventually lost his job.)"

Subsequently, I did a google search, and found that Gibbs has been labeled as Baghdad Bob for a long time, now. At first I was chagrined, but then I realized that the truth these days must be discovered, as it will be a long time if ever before the lamestream media addresses it.

I just hope that Americans will wake up and choose a non-Socialist President when the next chance rolls around.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stream of Consciousness Addendum

This is another stream of consciousness I had forgotten about until I was driving the other day.

I was driving one day with David as we passed by a church that at one time had been a Kingdom Hall. David noticed that the sign had changed to another denomination and he asked, "Didn't that used to be a Kingdom Hall? I wonder what happened?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe they had to enter the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Memorial Day has proven to be a difficult time for me. In addition to thinking about the 20 years that my Vietnam Veteran Dad served and his passing, I think about my own brother that sacrificed 20 years of his life in the service of his country in the U.S. Navy and subsequently passed away. Grandfather Espinosa served in the Navy in WWII, and he’s gone too. Mom passed away on Memorial Day weekend, and therefore it is a rather painful time. Anyway, they’re all gone now, but have caused me to address stream of consciousness.

Stream of consciousness is when you say something right off of the top your head, and I’ve had some excellent ones. Check it out:

Today, David asked me if I have a day off tomorrow – I’m having beers and he knows that I don’t have beers if I have to work the next day. “I have a day off for Memorial Day.” Even before he asked, I said that Memorial Day is when we acknowledge the sacrifices of Grandpa, your Uncle Richard, and even my Grandpa Richard. “Our family has a long tradition of dying.” He didn’t think it was funny, but it’s true.

At any rate, I’ve had a few stream of consciousness moments that shall be recorded here:

During one winter in Korea, Yong was preparing some pork by cutting off all of the fat. She wondered “Why is there so much fat?” Just off of the top of my head I said “Well, it is winter. Animals put on fat because of the cold.” Was I correct? I don’t know, but I bet I am.

In a conversation with a sister she questioned why girls and boys bicycles are different. I said that “because females have a lower center of gravity than males, bicycles are designed to consider that”. Was I correct? I don’t know, but I bet I am.

The best stream of consciousness that I ever had came when I was sitting in the waiting room of the ID card facility at Fort Bragg, waiting with David to update his ID. We sat in the waiting room for such an inordinate amount of time that he eventually asked “why is this taking so long?” I am a veteran of sitting and waiting for government employees to do their job, but I needed to tell David why we had to wait. “ID cards are made of plastic. Do you know where plastic comes from?” “No, where?” “Well, plastic is made from a derivative of petroleum products. Essentially, oil. Do you know where oil comes from?” “Where?” “Well, millions of years ago, the dinosaurs died and eventually became the oil deposits from which we produce many products.” “”Okay. But, why are they taking so long?” “Oh. They’re in the back waiting for the dinosaur to die.”