Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rolling Stone is such a Tool

Rolling Stone is such a tool.

The “firing” of Four Star General Stanley McChrystal is widely reported that he and/or his subordinates made many inappropriate remarks towards or against the administration and the flunkies on Capitol Hill. Vice-President Joe “Bite Me”? C’mon, they made fun of Vice President Dan Quayle for years; Joe Biden is a freaking train wreck.

Anyway, ya’ll know that when your boss is an incompetent, incapable, miserable jerk and that you don’t want to work for the slob, you just want to quit. But, if you quit, you forfeit all benefits. However, if you get fired, you can draw unemployment benefits that continue to grow and increase the federal deficit.

The same applies to General McChrystal. He could have stood up and said that those for whom he works are clueless fools and submitted his resignation, but he’d then be viewed in history as a General that quit during a significant conflict. However, by allowing Rolling Stone to print a “devastating expose” in which he or his subordinates make disparaging remarks about the clones in Washington and then allowing the Washington goons and the sycophant media express their indignation and outrage for being exposed as the worthless oxygen thieves that they really are, General McChrystal gets to retire with the knowledge that he didn’t quit, but that poorly placed stuffed shirts “forced” him to retire. He no longer works for a tool, he gets to enjoy his retirement, and he will historically be compared to General McArthur as a Wartime General that was “fired” by a President.

It was intentional, and Rolling Stone was the dupe.