Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Strikes Again

Representative Charlie Rangel (D) New York is being attacked by the vast right wing conspiracy. Now, this cat “represents” some of the poorest and most “disenfranchised” Americans in his Harlem District. Of course, his only concern is to help the people in his district. Wait! What! He is under investigation for lining his own pockets at the expense of the downtrodden unfortunates that he claims to represent.

To understand how insidious the vast right wing conspiracy really is, one must only recall Hillary Clinton’s statement from 1998, when in defense of her husband she went on national TV and identified the heinous acts of the movement: Hillary stated that “the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president”. Now, it doesn’t matter that Bill Clinton went on to lie about his activities, subsequently humiliating the “first lady” and embarrassing the entire country, it was a all because of some attempt to discredit the sitting President (by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy).

Here’s the real deal: I don’t care that Billy got a BJ in the Oval Office. According to the lamestream media, most Americans didn’t care, either. That being the case, if I were President, I’d have my own selection process for interns. Any auditioning candidate that left a stain on the blue dress would immediately be disqualified, if you know what I mean.

But back to the present: Charlie Rangel stated EMPHATICALLY that he’s done nothing wrong. BUT, when confronted with an investigation, he wants to plea bargain for a deal in which he doesn’t go to jail. Uuummm. Is that not tacitly an admission of guilt? Who knows? Maybe he’ll eventually share a cell with William Jefferson (D) Louisiana, the man who said that storing 100,000 dollars in one’s freezer is simply a means by which to ensure that he has cold cash.

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