Friday, June 4, 2010

Much To My Chagrin...

I thought I came up with a clever nickname for the lying Presidential mouthpiece. I've listened to and watched Robert (Bob) Gibbs try his best to represent and explain the heinous and/or negligent actions of our most important American. When questioned repeatedly as to why our President has not appropriately responded to the spill of oil in the gulf, nearly each and every answer was "It's in the memo." "See the memo." "Read the memo." "I can't answer that, but it's in the memo."

Guess what? It's NOT in the memo. The current occupant of the Whitehouse has done nothing to address the problem, aside from sending lawyers. Maybe we can sue the problem into submission.

Anyway, after growing sick of listening to the mouthpiece, I thought "Damn, he sounds just like Baghdad Bob (The Iraqi spokesman that insisted all was well even as American bombs fell in the background and Saddam Hussein eventually lost his job.)"

Subsequently, I did a google search, and found that Gibbs has been labeled as Baghdad Bob for a long time, now. At first I was chagrined, but then I realized that the truth these days must be discovered, as it will be a long time if ever before the lamestream media addresses it.

I just hope that Americans will wake up and choose a non-Socialist President when the next chance rolls around.

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