Saturday, January 13, 2007

End of an Era

My old personal webpage at will be gone in March when expage shuts down. Therefore, I chose to come here and blog in order to preserve the old information, some as old as going back to 1997.

God Bless the United States of America!

Freedom of speech is one of the greatest gifts Americans have. America Rules!

I like Classic Heavy Metal, jumping from airplanes, professional sports, and current events.

My favorite Heavy Metal bands:

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Deep Purple
Ozzy Osbourne
Rob Zombie
Ted Nugent

People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time - Paranoid

My favorite aircraft to exit while in flight:

DHC-6 (Twin Otter)
DC-3T (C-47)

The MC1-1C parachute offers a far superior ride to the T10C.
C-130 tailgate exits are the best!

Remember; regardless of what the doubters say, there is no such thing as a perfectly good aircraft.

My favorite professional sports teams:

Miami Dolphins
Denver Broncos
Dallas Cowboys
Colorado Rockies
Oakland A's
Denver Nuggets
Dallas Mavericks
Colorado Avalanche
San Jose Sharks
Tacoma Rainiers
Memphis Maniax

Great Milers:

Roger Bannister
Jim Ryun
John Walker
Sebastian Coe
Steve Scott
Noureddine Morceli
Hicham el-Guerrouj
Alan Webb

Favorite Movies:

Go Tell the Spartans
Apocalypse Now
A Bridge Too Far
The Blues Brothers
Halloween II
The Rock
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Repo Man
The Cable Guy
Beavis & Butthead Do America
Ace Ventura: Pet detective
Heavy Metal
Kentucky Fried Movie
Horse Feathers
Duck Soup
They Died with their Boots On
The Roaring Twenties
Animal House
Die Hard Trilogy
Star Wars Trilogy
Strange Brew
Independence Day
Saving Private Ryan
A Patch of Blue
Band of Brothers
We Were Soldiers
Blackhawk Down

Top TV:

Late Show with David Letterman
Star Trek: Voyager
Beavis & Butthead
The Simpsons

"Catch-22" (Joseph Heller) should be required reading for all Americans.

The Greatest President of the twentieth century:

Ronald W. Reagan

God Bless Ronald Reagan!


skysoldier46 said...

JK, hey bro, just following the trail. Your ABSOLUTELY correct, we need another Reagan!! Even a reasonable clone would do as long as he has the same inner spirit. I'll be back as Arnold says so keep on blogging.

Unknown said...

Jumpmaster K, This is nothing to do with your blog, I am only writing because you are a member of 3rd Group. I used to be part of 3rd in another life. I was there from 1990 until 1997. I was part of the orginal 150 that started her up so even though I am gone as the army always sees fit to do..3rd will always be my unit. Why the rampling you ask? It is because as I get ready to retire I find myself looking back and grasping to somethig that I feel that is solid. My time with 3rd was filled with change as the unit morphed from a gaggle of people to an awesome fighting unit. And as I look at news clips and blurbs about 3rd..I can't help but feel pride for serving in one of the best units ever created by the US Army. Thanks for listening to the ramble.